Biju Patnaik International Airport (BPIA), also known as Bhubhaneswar airport has registered an increase in passenger traffic as well as cargo handling in 2018-19. “There has been a surge in passenger traffic by about 40.58 per cent in 2018-19 compared to 2017-18. Similarly, the number of flights have increased by 55.61 per cent in the last one year,” said BPIA Director Suresh Chandra Hota. Passenger traffic of 4.55 million was recorded at BPIA during 2018-19 against 3.24 million in 2017-18.
The airport registered arrival and departure of 23,455 commercial flights during 2017-18 against 36,032 flights in 2018-19, Hota said. Currently, 47 flights operate from BPIA daily. BPIA handled at least 9,143 tonne of cargo in 2018-19 against 8,809 tonne in the previous financial year.
In addition, the review meet of Airports Authority of India (AAI) for the eastern region will be held at the airport on June 19. The meeting will be chaired by AAI Chairman Dr Guruprasad Mohapatra and attended by the Regional Executive Director of the eastern region, Directors of Bhubaneswar, Jharsuguda, Kolkata, Ranchi, Patna and Gaya airports, among others. “The meet will review and deliberate on the performance of airports in the region. The appraisal will include policy recommendations and grievances of respective airports, if any, shall be brought to AAI’s notice,” BPIA Director Suresh Chandra Hota said.