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Women Empowerment

In the closing years of the 20th century, widows were absent fromthe discourse about humanitarian issues. Anecdotally, we knew of suffering that had – through the ages – been inflicted on widows through practices such as Sati, the ritual self-immolation on the husband’s funeral pyre, but we thought these horrors belonged to a distant past. We knew there were millions of poor widows inIndia and elsewhere, but we thought of that as a poverty issue,not specifically connected to their status as widows.

From scratch the surface

There are still millions of widows and dependents living in abject poverty, suffering humiliating and degrading treatment. In numbers affected, the improved awareness has barely begun to scratch the surface. But more widows have come out of the shadows. There are more organisations – governmental as well as humanitarian and voluntary – to turn to. There are more routes to seek redress, even if it is still hard for many to find them. There are more programmes to help ensure dependent children get to school, and to help widows become economically independent..

This is the achievement of the Loomba Foundation in the quarter century since it was founded: to shine a light where previously there were only shadows, to bring together evidence and stimulate research on a global scale, to galvanise governments and the international community to recognise the importance of this issue and prioritise it in humanitarian policy development.

Impact Stories

A Skill Traning initiative by Loomba Foundationtive

$80 million over three years to collect data about how women live and work around the world. The data will help jumpstart the foundation’s work.

Youth Business International, for widows empowerment schemes

Youth Business International – a project of the Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum that helps disadvantaged people in many countries start up new sustainable businesses and create jobs.

Education of Widows Children” A Initiative to Backbone

The Loomba Foundation entered into a agreement with Lok Bharti to deliver the programme through skills training for one thousand beneficiaries in Uttar Pradesh in five sectors matched to industry needs in the state.

Widows Project Launched by Hon’ Prime MInister Narander Modi

Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, who represents Varanasi in the Lok Sabha, launched the Foundation’s programme to train and support 5,000 poor widows in the city.